Neon Cross.
Truckers Chapel Outreach
Cottondate, AL

Manipulated photo by © Eric Shindelbower



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Truckers Chapel Outreach, Cottondale, AL - manipulated photo by © Eric Shindelbower.  Used by permission of Pastor James Carden; photo may not be reproduced without prior written permission.
Special Thanks goes to Pastor Carden for allowing me to make and display this photograph.

Truckers Chapel Outreach,
PO Box 663
Cottondale, AL 35453.
(205) 554-0758.
(TA Truck Stop - Exit 77 on Interstate 20-59).


A note about the Neon Cross photo; it has been heavily manipulated.  When I arrived at the Truckers Chapel on my way to visit friends, it was in the afternoon.  When I saw this Cross, I knew that the best time to make a photo would be at dusk or night.  Unfortunately, I did not have the option to stay for more than an hour, so I created a false night time look using image-editing software.  Here is the raw image as it was exposed in my digital camera:

Neon Cross photo - raw image.



Background pattern courtesy of ©