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Credits: TheCross-Photo web banner by Eric Shindelbower. Graphic elements left to right: Planet Earth, 07.18.1995, ID: C-1995-02395, photo courtesy of NASA-GRC; Cross photo taken at Maple Hill Cemetery, Huntsville, AL by Eric Shindelbower; "JESUS" ASC11 Codes, binary representation; Globular Star clusters (NGC 6397), ID: STScI-PRC2003-21, photo courtesy of NASA and the Hubble Heritage Team (AURA/STScI); Brilliant Star in Milky Way's Core, ID: STScI-PRC1997-33, photo courtesy of NASA and Don F. Figer (UCLA); Movie still from, "The Passion Of The Christ," a film by Mel Gibson and ©2004 Icon Productions - background image, Dumbbell Nebula, PIA04249 - An aging star's last hurrah creates a flurry of glowing knots of gas that appear to be streaking through space, photo courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech (2003-02-11). NASA - http://www.nasa.gov/ |